STS MESC MULTIPLEX ICP, a manual wafer lock, high frequency ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) etch system for deep Si etching of up to 6-inch substrates. The plasma is inductively coupled at 13.56 MHz via a matching unit and coil assembly. Independent energy control is provided by biasing of the electrode (platen) via automatic power control and impedance matching. Several BOSCH like processes (alternating cycles of etching and surface passivation) have been implemented allowing high aspect ratio structures. Continuous mode for nanostructure fabrication is also available, down to the 10-nm scale in lateral resolution and aspect ratios of up to 10. The gases configured with this system include SF6 (Sulfur Hexafluoride), C4F8 (Octofluorocyclobutane), O2 (Oxygen), and Ar (Argon).

Responsible: Alessandro Pozzato